Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
I think Langston and Panhandle are both operated by the A&M regents, same as OSU. No idea about East Central. I don't know what we hope to gain by removing services from small towns in Oklahoma? We can't force everyone to "move to the City". Nor should we want to.
It is not about forcing people to "move to the city." When you live in a small town you are not going to always have immediate access to every amenity. As the populations of small towns in Oklahoma decrease they are going to have to accept that certain services will be farther away. Unless the population can support a certain level of infrastructure it is not viable to provide it. You can not have a bank, post office, school, fire department, police station, etc. in a town with a population of 5 30 miles from the nearest other town. As a state our resources need to be better utilized to continue to grow the state and improve the quality of life for all Oklahomans. We can not do that by continuing to subsidize communities with services that do not make sense.