Quote Originally Posted by irishtate View Post
If I hear the terms "mixed use" or "residential component" in conjunction with new developments, and the lack thereof I'm going to flip my lid. . . . Just appreciate that a once blighted area is getting revamped and move on. . . . Everyone should quit being so 'whynot' and 'whatif' about everything.
I disagree. I think it is always important to ask questions about what is being developed in certain areas. We have lost a lot of what makes a community easier to walk and live in, and we keep adding more barriers that make us use cars. That being said, I still love the updates to Mayfair Shopping Center. I live in this area as well and spend money at several places, including local companies like Empire Slice and Sheesh Mahal.

I actually believe the more we ask questions or give opinions on what would look nice in a particular area, the more likely a larger developer will see the potential. They will do what they want if we say nothing and give no opinions.