Quote Originally Posted by Mountaingoat View Post
So, the idea is to persuade people to NOT use highways. If it takes 2 hours to drive to Tulsa by car but 4 1/2 hours by rail, few will use thec rail. The l-44 route should be used to build new straight rail with maybe 1 stop at Stroud.
4.5 hours is quicker than the current options for taking passenger rail to Tulsa. That doesn’t mean 4.5 hours is what anyone should be content with, but it seems those (generally speaking - no one in particular) that focus largely on the speed aspect overlook how many people value convenience. That doesn’t mean that speed isn’t important, speed plays into convenience, but if there’s a viable alternative it’s usually not difficult to get people to adjust their mentality.

In an ideal world, there could be an express service that goes directly from Okla City to Tulsa at higher speeds or at least makes no more than one stop, probably Stroud like you said, and a separate local route that stops at various towns along the route to service the local population. I suspect it’ll be a long time before we will have to seriously entertain such a conversation, though.

Edit: or an express route via Stillwater, like UrbanistPoke suggested. That’s an interesting thought I haven’t considered.