I recall NFL always puts games on free OTA in both competing teams base markets. Back in the 1970s-80s, it had something to do with the NFL trying to get an anti-trust exemption like MLB had. Never got it, but have always stayed away from Friday night, because of high school games.

Now, OTA is doing just fine, but it is much different than it was 25 years ago. There are over 40 English language entertainment and education stations available in OKC right now, and about 70 overall. The main OTA channels (like 25.1, not .2 or .3) broadcast in the best, non-compressed 1080i format, based on what I have heard. So their picture is better than most cable and possibly streaming feeds.

I read something about the new ATSC 3.0 broadcast technology providing better video and audio quality that almost anything being provided to homes in a real world result. Iit has better viewer alerting capabilities. And a way to measure if a TV is viewing, and for how long. This could help provide targeted advertising…just like we get when we get on the internet nowadays!!