Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post
I haven't heard. The two high schools aren't closed campus now, are they?

I vaguely remember seeing many teenie-boppers crowding the local food establishments around lunch time, so I'm thinking that it's open campus now.

I can't imagine have a closed campus with that many kids.
Moore is open campus. They talked about going closed campus years ago and the businesses near the schools asked them to keep the campus open. Most of the restaurants from 119th and Western to 12th and Eastern Count on student business. Not to mention the Cafeterias at Moore and Westmoore were to small to handle 500 some odd students each lunch period. When I when I went to school there in 95 there where almost 2000 students and 125 faculty taking a 45 minunte lunch between 11 to 1:30.

Police from Moore and OKC can be seen all down that stretch during lunch hour. They do not play during lunch time in that area. If you get stopped by one of them you can almost guarantee your getting a ticket and god help you start trouble in a business.