It was from a new account though (elkvalleybeer vs elkvalleybrewery), which makes me wonder if someone - maybe a larger group - bought the brand and will simply produce the product for store shelves. Elk Valley's biggest strength was always their branding. To be clear I have no special insight; this is only speculation. I did hear second hand that John Elkins had sold all of his equipment and was personally done with running a brewery.

Edit...just found this on their website:

In the early 2010s, our beers was making the rounds and winning awards at national beer festivals as home brew. At the time, craft beer enthusiast John Elkins was simply passionate about making beer he loved and found that others enjoyed it too.

Since 2014, Elk Valley has been a staple craft beer found in restaurants and bars all over Oklahoma; until our OKC facility was unfortunately closed at the end of 2022.

Since then, we’ve been working on bringing back the same beers you know and we love!

We’re excited to announce that we have a new facility, a bigger team, and are gearing up to bring more of our craft back to your local bar or restaurant fall-winter 2023!

Follow us on Instagram for the lastest updates @elkvalleybeer