Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
They're very similar. And I never said it's an absolute copy. I asked what level of copying would be unethical. And apparently the answer is that copying is fine. I've learned something. That's why I ask questions.
Have you been to Hacienda yet? I love their nachos and also their queso with ground beef. My biggest gripe is their service, whether in the bar or in the restaurant. Just not very urgent, at all, but the food is terrific so I usually just get it to go.

I am of the opinion that most of the Tex Mex places around here are indistinguishable from one another, and that doesn't really bother me at all. I'm a pretty basic TexMex guy, so I can pretty much go to any of them and be happy.

It also could be a case of the Hacienda owner seeing what he wants to see. I have no idea about the other place, but there's not much about Hacienda that's all that unique, to me. It's a basic mall TexMex place.