Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
The biggest challenge for EV-only manufacturers is that their main source of revenue, selling their carbon offset credits, isn't needed anymore.
From a financial perspective that’s an issue for sure but I think lack of current market and infrastructure is a bigger one. If you’re selling tons of your cars at a profit, the carbon credits don’t matter as much anymore. Everyone is trying to force this stuff over the chasm with the flip of a switch and it just isn’t there yet. I have some major concerns about raw material availability for batteries as well and if feels like everyone pushing EVs is either oblivious to that or acting conveniently unaware. China and a bunch of countries that we aren’t getting along with all that well currently have a ton of the supply and while we do have some resources of our own here…the federal government has been making moves to restrict mining in some key areas. If China cuts us off at some point due to geopolitical conflict, it’s going to be a massive problem. I think people have a lack of understanding of the battery raw material sourcing/mining process and it has a strong possibility of ending up volatile similar to oil and gas if we don’t start sourcing/mining more of it here or in countries not controlled by China and other non-allies.