A Toastmasters Club is opening soon for young professionals in the Oklahoma City area. If you are a young professional in your twenties or thirties, Toastmasters could be the answer you are looking for to jump-start your career and meet like-minded, goal-oriented individuals, just like yourself.

Presentation and communication skills are crucial to success in the workplace. The person with strong communication skills has a clear advantage over tongue-tied colleagues – especially in a competitive job market.

Toastmasters International has been around for more than 80 years and offers a proven – and enjoyable – way to perfect the communication and leadership skills of its members. They have helped over 4 million men and women overcome their communication barriers. The nonprofit organization now has approximately 211,000 members in 10,500 clubs in 90 countries. They have become the world’s leading organization in teaching public speaking, leadership skills and helping individuals conquer their pre-speech jitters.

A Toastmasters Club is a “learn-by-doing” workshop in which men and women hone their skills in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. A typical club has 20 to 40 members.

Meetings will be held at the Galileo (3009 Paseo, Oklahoma City, OK 73103, galileo-okc.com 415-7827) on Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM

A photo will be taken for the newspaper on Monday, January 7th at 5:30 at the Galileo. Anyone who is interested in joining the group is welcome to join in the pic!

If you have any questions please contact Kristen Cox at kristenspeaks@gmail.com or (405) 204-7182.