Great movie. So unexpectedly good. The girl in the movie, Ellen Page (Juno), does such a phenomenal job at creating the character. She's been nominated for several awards.

A couple friends and I went to it on a whim when Red Pin was too busy to get a lane. I am very glad we followed the whim

And yes, it's about teenage does not glorify it, or necessarily deem it "ok" but it deals with the issue well, and it's nice to see a movie where, while the pregnant girl is very sarcastic about her pregnancy, there is obviously love and acceptance for her mistake and choices.

Basic plot summary:

Girl gets pregnant by her best friend. Girl decides to not get an abortion, but looks for someone to adopt the baby right after it is born. Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman are the couple she finds. I will not tell you more...except there is a hilarious part that happens throughout the movie with this track team that runs all year long in these tiny little gold shorts.

And the music is odd but very funny.

An enthusiastic thumbs up!