Quote Originally Posted by OKCRealtor View Post
Bonds aren't necessarily safe, they got clobbered last year and same happened in 2018 although not to the same degree. I lost money both times in "safe" investments. Edward Jones requires a certain percentage in fixed income, can't be all in equities in the program I'm in. The typical 80/20 or 60/40 portfolio with bonds is a crock, IMO. I am to the point I'm about to pull everything from Edward Jones and go with a more boutique approach. Fed is creating these boom & bust cycles within the markets with one extreme to the other on monetary policy and traditional investing probably needs to be reconsidered. Quite frankly real estate has held up by far the best of the asset classes during this current bear market. If you've got spare change throw it in a rental, value is tangible and can't disappear overnight. I
Don’t blame the government for bad investment advice. Bonds are entirely appropriate for many investment conditions. They aren’t good short term investment vehicles but intended for long term and income. Using them wrongly and blaming someone else is like blaming a car company because you bought a sedan and needed a pickup. Buy the right tool for the right job. People need to educate themselves on proper investment devices and strategies and quit blaming the government for their own mistakes.

Oh, and ask all those who invested in real estate how 2008 worked out for them. Assuming you can flee to real estate as a safe haven without understanding the realities is foolhardy as well.