Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
If you ever lived up north you would understand. There will be inches of snow on the ground and roads and you still go to school. If for some reason a bus couldn't make it down a road you were asked to take you kids to the nearest main road for pick up. Out in the country that could be a mile or two. But I get it no one down here knows how to drive on just a little bit of icy roads. It's called going really slow and you will be just fine.

I lived in Northern Colorado….does that count? Northern states get more snow than Ice. Ive lived here most of my life and and ice is the usual fare and even just a light glaze (like is predicted late tonight and early am) causes mass chaos around here. I’m also an ER nurse and light glaze means more slips and slides and kiddies with broken things when they fall…… and there’s that one person, somewhere, that sues a school/school district , because they didn’t close or something along that line or the bus slid and so on and so on… And here we are, the liability factor comes into play..