Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
No one is trying to demonize people observing the law while justifying those breaking the law. If you really want to get technical about the law, driving in the left lane except when passing is breaking the law, but clearly that's hard to always enforce, especially on a freeway like the one we're discussing.

Left-lane driving ban now the law

That's why the signs say "Slower Traffic Keep Right" with no reference to the speed limit.

But, regardless of the law, allowing faster traffic to pass on the left is the safest option, which is what should guide driving decisions. Those who make driving decisions based on contempt for other drivers are just putting everyone, including themselves, at greater risk.
If I'm driving in the left lane and passing people on the right and I happen to be blocking someone behind me who wants to be going 90 it's not out of contempt or me wanting to "teach anyone a lesson". I couldn't care less what that person does and I haven't thought about them at all. Maybe the reason why road rage is so bad is people taking every other driver's actions as a personal attack.