Quote Originally Posted by borchard View Post
I know everyone wants any stadium to be "downtown", or as close as possible. But wouldn't the Fairgrounds be a good place for it? HUGE mounts of parking. HUGE amounts of unused space. Maybe one reason I think this is because it seems all we've been doing is taking things OUT of the Fairgrounds. SO much so, that it just seems like a big parking lot now.
Agreed. Put it in the southwest corner of the Fairgrounds, right up against I-44 between Reno and the railroad so it's highly visible. There's plenty of undeveloped land there for the stadium plus new paved parking, and those parking lots could also be used for the fair and other events. The southern part of Delmar Gardens Ave might need to be rerouted or closed to make this work, but it seems like a win-win to locate this stadium there.