Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
Conserving water is EVERYONE'S responsibility. Just like you should be conserving electricity. Being wasteful with either is just showing yourself to be a jacka$$. You're telling others that you have enough money (or lack of concern) that you can just throw it away with no consideration of what an impact that has on others. That use and toss and "i'll do what i want for myself" mentality is far too common in a particular (not young) generation.

As for treated water, yes it goes back in to the water source and has to meet a high standard from the EPA in order to do that. And the systems are regularly inspected to ensure that they are meeting both the content and temperature requirements to do so. The solid hockey puck of nasty that's left over, can be properly disposed of. You should be far more concerned with the raw diaper poopies in the landfills. That's the literal crap that works its way down into the ground water eventually. If you are not aware of the concern surround that little bit, go do a little googling. There's a reason why you're supposed to scrape the poopies off in to the toilet....but no one does it. I mean who wants to do that with a smeary squished one? No one, including me. But I didn't realize at the time, that I wasn't supposed to throw those in the trash....since everyone does that. If you work in healthcare, if someone soils the sheets, you do have to scrape it off to a certain degree before the laundry folks will take it (or at least they're supposed to treat it this way).
Ah, the sanctimony! You mean, unlike me, you used disposable diapers instead of cloth diapers? How could you? The environment is everyone's responsibility. And while you preach about conserving a resource we have an abundance of, and by the way, we don't destroy it, we just pass it downstream after being cleaned, you admit for some reason that you filled the landfill with toxic trash which won't decompose for 100+ years.

My household is extremely green, but we're not ridiculous. We used cloth diapers, we have solar, etc. We also recognize that in OKC, water is abundant, we don't need to conserve something we have in abundance. We use exactly as much as we want to. Because it's there. Lots of folks consume environmental protection media meant for audiences in the American West and California. There, water is more scarce and even to some extent, the scarcity of water threatens the existence of cities like Las Vegas. But unlike a lot of environmental issues, water is a local issue and water scarcity there is irrelevant to water abundance here.