As a resident of Yukon, I don't like that a lot of this new growth is in OKC limits, however they do go to Yukon schools and all of the added traffic. Something needs to be done along Garth Brooks and 10th, as those are by far the busiest corridors and traffic can be quite horrendous at 2pm on a week day. Part of me would like for Yukon and Mustang to somehow annex all of land away from OKC and the new border would be SW 15th or something, even though that might mean re-drawing school districts and causing all sorts of issues. I bet Yukon/Mustang could not expand utilities to account for this area, which is probably why Yukon and Mustang proper are not growing, but instead relying on this growth in OKC. It is just a tricky situation with many facets that affect life for both Yukon proper residents and these OKC hybrids moving in.