Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Somebody posted a funny photo of a car parked on the street with a very long extension cord running out of a house and across the sidewalk.

I've ranted about the idiocy of leaving your 2nd most valuable physical asset parked outside (at the mercy of the elements and thieves) when almost every home has a large garage.

Maybe the move to electric vehicles will slowly start to get people to clean the crap out of their garages to make room for the chargers and vehicles.
I have to admit to parking my Elantra outside. But it's because the wife's Jeep is inside so she doesn't have to be outside to get in it. And my Miata is inside because I've never had the top up and the plan is to never put it up. We do watch weather and leave the Jeep out and pull mine in if there's any chance of hail. It does bother me the number of people who have completely empty garages or garages that are so full of ? and the cars sit outside.