Homelessness is definitely not something we can just wave money at think it'll be fixed. I'll assume based off the previous comments that most, if not all, of us are aware there are different variable groups within the homeless population that respond differently to this or that.
There are those who do not want help. There are those who do not know where to go for help. There are those who are incapable of asking for help or even adequately functioning when help is given.

It's a giant cluster that seems to be getting worse (I don't know if it actually is). And while homelessness is a part of every society, there should be ways to effectively combat it and that begins with the greater culture. As corny as it may sound, love and respect are the cornerstones needed. Churches have, historically, taken care of homeless populations or other groups at need. They still do, but we've also seen other groups and forms of care being given as well.

My advice: if this is an issue near and dear to your heart, find one or two reputable homeless shelters, organizations or inner city churches to donate money to. How you decide to directly interact (or not interact) with homeless on the street is entirely up to you. I won't fault anyone, especially with children, for not wanting to interact with some of them directly.