Quote Originally Posted by DowntownMan View Post
In the early years of the program. It was very rare to get a critical day. Maybe less than 5 a summer. Now it seems it’s frequent and at least once a week the entire summer.
Does anyone know what they utilize to deal high or critical and any way for customers to know what it is based on and why they deem more that way now

I have unsubscribed as I looked and last year I saved just $9 on June and September bills but l paid more on July and august bills for an overall more expensive summer on smart hours plus had to deal with hot house until house cooled down after system running for an hour after 7 pm
What i think happened was that people were actually saving money. They can't be having that. The whole thing is just a dupe to get you to get so hot that you go ahead and pay the rate and they, as you said, eat up any savings you had. The critical rate days happen here when the entire state is overcast and in the 80s. They claim critical rates on days when OG&E is absolutely not purchasing power from a larger market. That's the pattern that finally did me in. Raise the cost and frequency of the critical days, well there goes any and all benefit. I mean there's really no incentive to stay on the program, so i don't really understand what makes people want to join. OG&E doesn't do anything to actually make people want to join so I have to ask, what's the motivation behind this "offering". Are they required to offer this to check a box, regardless of crappy it is?