I did a search and didn't find anything recent. Do you think smarthours are worth it? Has anyone compared to another home in your area or from one year to another? I been on it for 6 years and now that i'm home a few days during those hours I wonder if I'm really saving much. I don't run the AC from 2-7 I pre cool can get it down to 70 degrees. It gets up to 78-79 by 7pm. The last 2 hours from 5-7 gets rough. I run ceiling fan but then my AC has to run for hours to get it back down to 72 for bed time. My AC runs from like 11:30-2 non stop than from like 7pm until 10 pm non stop. How much money am I really saving. Is it worth it? What is the current rate without smarthours? What are your thoughts?