Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
Larry, Im shocked you of all people are defending the state fare board. BTW - I never said we don't need to coluseum and we've heard ad nauseum how the fairgrounds brings economic this or that to the city. So. ... why are they not funding their projects? They initially said MAPS would fund only PART of the grand new arena, now - its the ONLY funding source and therefore has been downsized from what was originally pitched in the MAPS campaign.

This is what I'm talking about. They keep showing up for handouts yet have a dedicated funding source and still keep asking MAPS to find capital projects. Imagine if the OKC Zoo, also has a guaranteed revenue stream, if they asked for MAPS money to fully fund their new Africa exhibit. Wouldn't that invite scrutiny into how the zoo is run? Imagine if WRWA asked for MAPS funds to build the new terminal? In fact, I'd vote yes if they did - but WRWA is a funded entity so they build their OWN facilities for the most part and the new terminal received no MAPS funds.

And look at the fairgrounds. With a dedicated funding source and as such an economic generator - they can't modernize the parking nor can they even upkeep the grounds; let alone execute a state fair worthy of what we used to have when you and I were 30 years younger. They are a disappointment, yet nobody seems to care that they continually dip into the MAPS Pork Barrel.

And no, the pork in the barrel comes from the OKC taxpayers (and sales tax paying visitors) not from the horse industry. sorry.
The State Fair Board of Directors is comprised of 40 volunteer members. With people such as Ron Norick, Kirk Humphreys, Clay Bennett, David Rainbolt, Larry Nichols, etc. it reads like a veritable Who’s Who of central Oklahoma leadership. It is not a crooked, pork-barrel organization that operates in the dark.