Quote Originally Posted by T. Jamison View Post
I am talking about Lindsey. I've already stopped by and met Dave, I believe.

I have no illusions about getting a big act like F1 to OKC. There is no way we can compete with COTA, but it'd be nice to have a place to see grassroot racing other than dirt track or drag racing. Even though, I am grateful that we do have those options. But AFAIK there aren't even any PCA events in OK. That really surprised me. The fairgrounds seems like the most likely public facility that could hold something like that. I just don't know how popular it would be with the neighbors. Fingers crossed though.
PCA does some stuff at the Edmond Fire Dept. SCCA hosts events at Remington and occasionally Hallett. I know BMWCC was active prior to the Sheriff track crap. I really wish we could get access to that again.