Has anybody else driven on Main Street heading west out of downtown this week? What in the ever loving heck are they doing?!?! I have never seen such a cluster F of a street in all my life. It’s been bad for over a month now but it is worse this week. They stripped off the upper layers of the street and partially refinished it. They have now diverted traffic to the partially refinished part. The only problem is that all those manhole covers and their concrete foundations stick up about 3-4 inches from the actual road. To make it worse, one of the lanes makes you hit those dang things every 300-400 ft. There is a similar lip in the road at the concrete edge on the opposite side of the manhole covers. Either you’re going to blow out a tire, blow out your suspension, or slice your sidewall in pieces by rubbing up against the concrete lip. WTF?!

This road is a mess. They removed the upper 3-4 inches of road in random patches all the way down to general Pershing about a month ago. It has been bumpy as hell. Anybody know what’s going on??