Edmond schools will end required Student Quarantine. next Monday.

On Monday, October 4, EPS will move from quarantines required to quarantine notification. Wednesday, September 29 is day 10 of quarantines remaining below .5%, but transitions work best when they happen at a natural break or over a weekend. Therefore, the district has set Monday, October 4 for this change in procedure to go into effect.

Quarantines have been effective in stopping the spread of the Covid virus in our schools. So, why is the district no longer requiring quarantines for someone exposed to a Covid positive individual? We have reached a threshold where the school will no longer be acting on behalf of the OCCHD to require quarantines. This responsibility will shift back to the OCCHD and to parents. Parents will still be notified when their child has been in close contact with a positive case of COVID and then will have the responsibility whether to quarantine their child or not.

The maks threshold is set at .1% for 10 or more days. So far, EPS has not reached that threshold, but the district will continue to monitor the data and will take a deeper look at fall break as promised in the original communication concerning masks.
