Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
On a side note, I drove around this area and found myself in a neighborhood behind a park called Woodlawn by NE 50th and Lincoln. The roads were super narrow, only enough for one vehicle at a time, and a really cool area with lots of neat homes. The land to the north of NE 50th(which you’re not supposed to enter) has a house that is beautiful and is of Spanish revival architecture. I really hope that place is kept. I’m going to try and get pictures of it soon.
That was the Edwards estate I believe and is a private drive on private property. I used to office in the northernmost estate, a rambling Spanish hacienda of about 6-7,000 ft. It sits up on the hill on the northern end. Unfortunately, I don't think it has been kept up very well, but was a gem with a ballroom, large dining hall and servants' quarters.