i happened by chance onto this web page, i lived in OKC from 1982-1985 and had the pleasure to work for Linda "sountrak" verin and her store at i believe 2600 Meridian drive in OKC

anyone i saw post and to my understading she and her hubby rick, moved to and murged sountrak with long electronics in nashville i believe it was in the early 1990's, i do not know if she owns the company but they inmvested all the had into it
I am curious if anyone can tell me what ever happend to the old sountrak store at 2600 Meridian Ave, did they convert it to another business or didthey tear it down and rebuild something else there?? if anyone know what happened to both of their locations i would apprciate it, i believethere smallerstore was on 10th Ave. but not sure i only worked at the larger 1

thank you

sountrak alum