Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Currently, OU has to go to Ames, Iowa and Morgantown, Virginia and some other places not so close.

Would likely be in a western division in the SEC with Texas, A&M, LSU, Arkansas and the 2 Mississippi schools.
At least for football, I think the pod idea makes the most sense. OU would be in a pod with UT, A&M, and Arkansas (or sub in Mizzou for one of them). They'd play each of the three pod teams every year and then every other team every other year (or likely two on two off like the old Big 12 schedule). This means OU would play everyone, but also develop/maintain closer rivals. This avoids the problem of simpler never playing some teams that exists now. A&M has been in the SEC almost a decade and never played at Georgia. The pod system would fix that.