Quote Originally Posted by Canoe View Post
^ Everything in life has a cost. If unity during a public health emergency is the highest priority then you will need to get the leaders on both sides on board. I think unity path is a quicker and uses less state power than forcings the population into compliance or voting out the current leadership. When are the elections? November? What will be the case count by then?
I understand what you are saying and don't mean to attack. We're all frustrated and worried and looking for a way to change the trends.

To be fair, Biden has reached out to Fox News and it seems to be having at least a slight effect.

But our own bloody governor won't even encourage Oklahomans to get a free and widely available vaccine. He was directly asked and flatly said 'no'. I don't care what you think and what you believe, that is completely unbelievable, yet it continues with no real consequence.

If people would just put political bias aside and put pressure on him from within is his own party, that would make a massive difference. And he is up for reelection soon and that is the best possible leverage. But here we are with his supporters/enablers doing next to zero. And then hypocritically pontificate about 'personal responsibility' and 'freedom'.

We can talk all day long about leaders but it is people that give and continue to provide the power and influence.