Audience participation with the Flaming Lips is a given; the band has included -- indeed, relied on -- fans for everything from parking garage car horn symphonies to onstage alien dance parties. The spectacle-loving, sci-fi group is now calling out for 1,000 fans to join them in their hometown of Oklahoma City for a Halloween parade on October 26.

Dubbed 'The March of the Thousand Flaming Skeletons,' according to an October 9 bulletin the band posted to their MySpace friends, the exhibition will be "a symbolic procession glorifying the beauty of death and the boundless flame of love and life."

The bulletin begins: "Please help us."
Cost to join the march? $25. Having Wayne Coyne act as your personal Grim Reaper? Priceless. (And, if memories aren't enough, participants get to keep the costume, a torch and a commemorative t-shirt.) Those willing and able should send an email to: