I keep saying it, but there are going to be a lot of churches selling their property in the near future, especially those south of Memorial and north of I-240.
Church attendance is dropping everywhere, the OKC area now has tons of mega-churches in outlying areas, and most of these churches were built in the '50s and '60s when not only did people go to church more often, they were surrounded by young families.
In the case of Central Presbyterian, there is another Presby church a 1/2 mile east on 50th. I go by that church all the time as well as the neighboring Mayfair Church of Christ and the parking lots are always empty with just a small amount of cars on Sunday mornings.
We are starting to see the changeover happen. Central Presbyterian, Grace United Methodist on NW 63rd and Tulsa, Northwest Christian Church at NW 30th and May (now Dental Depot HQ). And of course, First Christian at NW 36th and Walker has been for sale for some time. Putnam City Baptist moved way far out in the '80s and sold their property to the PC school district.
I just hope we can find well-designed constructive uses for what is likely to be dozens of former church properties.
It's really similar to the repurposing of old school buildings, although most of those had character and history and lent themselves towards housing and other uses. Not sure there are many uses for churches other than demolition.