too bad OKC is a republican city, I mean OKC never gets these kinds of investments from the federal government. . ...

$174M would expand OKC's streetcar up to Asian District and down to Capital Hill. The likely required other $174M matching (from the city, state, and OU) could extend to the HSC, Capital campus, and possibly NE 23rd/Lincoln or beyond; while also creating dual track backbones downtown along Sheridan, N Broadway and S Robinson. ..

Now THAT would get heavily used and spur additional ridership as tourists come in via rail or plane but won't need to rent a car to patronize 90% of what OKC has to offer. No to mention locals and the working class living/working in the central core. .. Couple with the BRT and a shuttle to Stockyard's City and Commuter Rail (if ever) from Edmond-Downtown-Norman and MWC-Downtown then you have the entire city attractions covered by rail or rapid transit and much of the metro accessible to downtown by mass transit (feeding the streetcar). ...

Oh well. Let's keep rooting for other peer cities.