Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Why oh why are people always listening to some quack or Facebook conspiracy theorists or anyone with a Youtube account????

This country has an entire crew of scientists that do this all day, every day, are not politically aligned and universally respected. They offer great, comprehensive data and clear advice.

It's very simple: follow what THEY are saying and stop listening to a bunch of random people on the internet.

The fact that people refuse to do this has caused our great and rich country to be way worse off than just about everywhere else, including a bunch of 3rd world places with a tiny fraction of our resources. And it's killing people, our economy and way of life in the process.
Numbers don't like though. That video I posted is straight up facts and numbers. Are we way worse off than others? Last time i checked we were 9th in total deaths per capital. Actual numbers. Why can't people look at different points of view?