Quote Originally Posted by rwalker View Post
In fairness, this isn’t an easy virus to contain. There were a lot of folks in this thread spiking the football when Europe contained the first wave, but that continent is now in the middle of a fairly significant 2nd wave, and there’s less political willingness to order new lockdowns. So I’d imagine they will continue to see increased case counts.

There’s only a small handful of countries that have dealt with it successfully and they are all (a) authoritarian; (b) island nations; (c) have recent experience with Viruses or (d) have some combination of the the above.

Just seems like Westernized Democracies aren’t designed to handle this type of threat. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We enjoy a lot of freedoms they don’t have in Russia or China. But those freedoms can prove costly when dealing with a collective problem.
Nonsense from someone who has been banned twice and keeps re-registering under new names. Your IP is now blocked so hopefully we are finally rid of you.

Just repeating false propaganda and lies from politicians desperately trying to excuse their complete failure, and enabling them in the process.

To demonstrate the absurdity of this comparison, deaths yesterday:

U.S. 1,090

Then, the countries with the most deaths in Europe:
Spain 71
UK 14
France 19
Italy 10
Germany 9

Canada 8