Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
thank you for the information. glad to know that some schools took precautions. that seems to be the biggest problem through all of this, very few people want to actually look at potential problems and solve them. the public schools administrations had all summer to think of solutions, and it seriously looks like most of them just sat around and hoped it would just go away
I'm going to add this caveat.
My belief is that the local school districts did not address this issue was due to the fact that the State Board of Education was working on a unified approach state wide. Of course this made sense to these local administrators as their students would be coming into contact with students outside of their districts through athletics as well as other functions. By all indications Joy Hoffmeister was displaying the leadership that was lacking in the executive branch. The State Board however thought it best to issue non binding recommendations instead of mandates.
This lack of leadership on the part of the State Board has resulted in local districts facing the type of problems reported in the State Impact piece, written last month.