Quote Originally Posted by jdizzle View Post
If not, then I have terrible luck. Again, I will NOT take a super rushed vaccine for anything. There are promises of a vaccine in less than 9 months since inception. Forget that. Some can take decades. For a virus with so many unknowns (this thread states as much), how can a vaccine be created in 8 months?
OK, I know you didn't have time to read (or even skim) all (or any of) those, so here's the gist - you probably just had an immune response reaction, not the flu (and no, I don't know that for sure because I'm not you). Also, vaccine takes two weeks to work, so there is a window of opportunity for the flu to get you, also could've been another strain, or a bad reaction (Mayo link has this info), or some other illness. Neither me nor my wife had ever had a flu vaccine until last year and we both got one and were perfectly fine afterwards. Even if we got sick/felt unwell, we'd likely still be getting it this year again (and from now on) because we believe in proven science.