Quote Originally Posted by oklip955 View Post
I'm not sure how effective social distancing at churches is. I am saying like every other pew closed and family groups siting 6' apart, with people seated as they come in. Doesn't matter the denomination, anyone have any in put on this. It is something I am very concerned about, since I am a church attender. Wondering how air movement in a large open building is related to spreading since people are seated for an hour or more vs a trip to the grocery store or hardware store for say 15 to 30 min. Any input for anyone on this.
Some of it are cultural issues at church, which can be modified: shaking hands, greeting each other, communion, etc.

But a big problem with church, even with distancing, is the amount of air movement due to singing, talking at a louder voice for prayers and responsive readings, confessions, creeds, etc.