What's the exchange rate on dead bodies? People calling this panic evidently have some number of acceptable deaths in mind, if it means they can get out to a bar and get wasted on a holiday that most white Americans likely don't even understand or know the history of. Is it 3 per beer? Maybe an even dozen for a bucket of buds?
Folks aren't an island, and they affect the health of others around them. Additionally, people crowding into bars like this and other unsafe behaviors will DEFINITELY increase the chance of Oklahoma having to move backwards in our opening up plans. Are folks that eager for another 8 weeks of this strict lockdown?
We're trying to do a safe, cautious reopening. That means folks shouldn't just run out for large gatherings, not wear masks, ignore social distancing, and pretty much act like life is back to normal. That's the quickest way to ensure that this is an even longer recovery.