Actually, I think it was West Coast Hornet who broke the story on the Seattle Times. He's the crackpot who hates OKC and has lived in New Orleans and Seattle in the past. He may have posted it himself, or he may have posted it using one of his many identities that appear to be from Oklahoma. He makes up screennames in order to make it look like OKC posters are over there being obnoxious. But, he didn't break the story on the seattlep-i forum, although he may have read it there. That came from someone from Oklahoma. It was also on the Hornets Nest forum, and he occasionally stops by there as well. I sincerely doubt he reads on this forum.

Nonetheless, responding to him, whether it's his identity of couillion, Doug Barebacker, Doug Dawg, shawn rooker, justin willmett, pd22, poobottle or some of the others he's assumed that I'm currently forgetting just gets him more riled up. You cannot argue with him, as it generates six to ten more posts that just worsen the situation. If you see the word "meth" or any other slurs towards OKC you can be pretty sure it's WCH. Ignore him and he just might go away. We can only hope. Argue with him and it makes the honest Seattle forum members think we are worse, as he almost always uses his assumed OKC personas to make things worse.

I don't know if this would have ended up in the national media or not, but I sincerely believe people from OKC have no business posting anything on the Seattle forums that implies that OKC is getting the team, or even that the owners want the team here. It adds fuel to the fire, gives them reason to write David Stern and complain. Does anyone honestly think the Save our Sonics or SonicsCentral administrators have any compunction about alerting the national media? The media that is always looking for stories to write? We are not helping ourselves by giving them ammunition, and we are not being kind to the true Sonics' fans in Seattle by rubbing their noses in any news that is pro-Oklahoma. Keep it here, please!

This is my only soapbox, but I feel pretty strongly about it.