These are some of the things my brain is cycling through right now. Of course, all the below assumes we don't pull a rabbit out of our hat in the next 4 weeks and find a way to massively stem the tide of the virus:

Seniors are going to be hit unbelievably hard by this and many may just phone it in. I think Baby Boomers are going to be shocked at how bad this turns out for them, especially if they do not have kids to help them through this.

I'm not an economist, but I have not heard favorable forecasts for bonds in general even in a tanking stock market. They're doing better in this short run, but there's an upper limit to their value. So beyond the 401(k)s getting rocked right as many are planning on entering retirement, many pensions are also going to get hit pretty hard and many likely to become insolvent in all of this. These seniors will have little prospects of returning to the job market as unemployment is going to be over 8% for the foreseeable future and their skill set is mostly going to be obsolete anyway.

Compounding the issue here is that the only way we get out of this without capitalism collapsing is a "healthy" rate of inflation to get out of the governmental debt that the entire world's governments already incurred prior to this virus and that they are about to incur at rates we've not seen for many decades now.

Many homes are going to be lost to the bank not in these first 5 years but 15 years later when accessing their inflated equity is going to be one of the few ways for them to pay their way through retirement.

Of course, we have an upcoming generation that has a predilection toward socialism so we could well be looking at ending this way regardless.