Parking garages away from bricktown! Do out of state guests or singles feel safe walking to them or inside the garages.
Are you serious? What is the deal with the paranoia in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City has one the safest downtown areas I have ever visited. What could happen between the santa fe garage and bricktown that couldn't happen between a bricktown garage and a restaurant.

I can guarantee you that most out of town guests from any decent size city are going to feel as safe or safer than they feel in their own home town. They are probably used to walking MUCH farther in their respective urban entertainment districts to get to their destinations.

I'll never understand it and I cringe every time I am in bricktown. Our unjustified paranoia and laziness are going to prevent bricktown from being a major player for sure. We're going to develop more parking area than destinations and the next generation will still be leaving Oklahoma to go where the action is.

I was just in LA visiting family and we went to the 3rd st. promenade to kill some time. That thing is like 6 blocks long, with major retailers, thousands, maybe millions of more visitors a year than bricktown, and you can't even see 1 parking space from the front door of a single merchant on the entire strip. And this is Los Angeles. I guarantee you that at least 75% of the visitors DROVE there. Why is it so popular? Because it's not a freaking parking lot and it's a dense mix of easily accessible merchants. Once you've parked and walked a few blocks, you have easy access to dozens of retailers. Bricktown will never be that, because our perspective on parking is so backwards. We want to spread everything out for the parking and then, guess what, it's not longer worth even going because the whole place is one big ugly parking lot with a few merchants sprinkled in. It is 100% the wrong way to do it, but I think we're so insecure we just can't try to do it any differently than how the rest of the city is built and we’re too lazy to walk a few blocks, even if it’s the same distance as any mall parking lot.