Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
This should be taken with a grain of salt. Randal O'Toole of the Cato Institute is one of the biggest anti-transit advocates out there. That blog exists to advocate against traditional cities and city planning. That article first appeared on a website called The Antiplanner: Dedicated to the sunset of government planning. Very unbiased work here.
Yeah I am aware and the same is said for transportation blogs like streetsblog, Vox, and citylab which constantly posts every anti car news, recycled articles like “wasteful freeway projects” and constantly spreading the induced demand argument which is plagued with flaws, lack of variables, and is an outright irrational theory against road construction. Other than news relating to a specific project it’s hard to find articles pushing for data supporting transportation initiatives that aren’t biased in some way.

That said the article I posted makes valid points and provides a different perspective on the constant myth pushed around that roads don’t pay for themselves or that cars aren’t paying their fare share. It can easily cost someone north of 30k to own a new car and at least 5k for a used car which comes with more maintenance and likely lower fuel economy.

For this small rail project it costs north of 150 million. For those that will complain about the massive cost of road projects let’s compare not just ADT but each individual person since that’s how ridership on this route is shown. Those results also don’t include freight little if any of which is moved on this streetcar.