I was wondering what they were doing at NW 10th and Shartel. Found this info on koco's website.

City Council Considers Adding More Roundabouts

POSTED: 12:38 pm CDT July 31, 2007
UPDATED: 12:56 pm CDT July 31, 2007

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma City drivers could soon be going around in circles as City Council members are discussing plans to add more roundabouts.

With the addition of a roundabout at 11th Street and Walker Avenue downtown, the number of crashes was reduced from 11 in 2003 to two in 2006.

Officials said traffic circles allow more vehicles to move through intersections quicker.

"These are very good. I would like to see more of these, and then it beautifies the place at the same time," said driver Phyllis Fairley.

City officials said roundabouts also reduce delays and pollution because cars don't have to idle at stoplights.

Or you can watch the video here:

City Looks Into Adding Roundabouts - Video - KOCO Oklahoma City