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Thread: Braum's

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  1. #11

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Yes, they absolutely did change. It was a cost-cutting measure. They concocted a "base" *milkshake* mix that was ordered to be used *instead* of bottled shelf milk, because using the shelf milk was taking away inventory from retail sales. When it got out, Braum's put out a bunch of corporate BS about it being "healthier" and "fortified" or whatever, as if people are drinking a milkshake for its health benefits.

    For a time, individual managers were responding to requests to have the shakes make with actual, regular, real milk, but Braum's HQ found out about it and started threatening local managers with termination if they didn't use the mandated mix.

    Yeah, that swirling motion you see is Braum's going down the toilet. Just to add a little ancillary insult to injury, my mom was telling me the other day she had picked up some "sale" butter from Braums the other day, but when she used it, noted it had a horrible smell and realized that, somehow, it had spoiled. Not sure how, exactly, but it was simply another nail in Braum's coffin. We don't do Braum's anymore. I think since the younger generation took it over, they've pretty much turned it into a pure bean-counting operation, the overall quality has gone in the crapper, and the leadership just doesn't care anymore. They'll throw a ton of money at a pretty storefront, and make sure it looks nice for a while, but once it isn't new or popular anymore, they'll let it rot.

    I've lived in Oklahoma nearly all my life, and remember Braum's as a wonderful, special treat as a kid, great milk and dairy products, and even when my kids were little, we took the extra effort to get their products. That was 20 years ago. Braum's is no longer worth the effort, at least not for me/my family. I also know they don't give two rips about my opinion, either. If they still work for someone else, that's great, power to ya. They're living on their name IMO.
    Odd. I was in Braums just two weeks ago. Watched the lady scoop the ice cream into the cup and pour milk from a jug of Braum's milk in the bin in the cooler. Same as I observed a couple of months earlier at another location, and Just like I've seen them do it for 20 years.
    Last edited by Executionist; 01-15-2020 at 08:59 AM. Reason: spelling

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