Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
We are talking about USL VS MLS. No one cares about minor league soccer and it would be a waste of tax payers money to build a stadium for that. They would draw a few thousand fans. MLS on the other hand would require a first class stadium and would def. have a much bigger draw. An MLS stadium downtown would prob. spur a lot of other development around it. So we are talking apples and oranges. So I would be in favor of an MLS stadium if that time comes.
We had minor league basketball (Oklahoma City Calvary); they drew a few thousand fans. You can't use a minor league franchise operation in a non regulation facility (Taft Stadium) in an area of town with no fan friendly amenities to gauge major league potential.

Hopefully, the stadium will go before the voters to decide. If you want to vote everything down because of one project on MAPS 4 you are against; then think about The Peake, the same argument about not being able to fill the Myriad was being made to remove the downtown arena from the original MAPS ballot.