Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
Pro-MAPS voters generally do show up to vote. The anti-MAPS voters generally are very vocal, but they don't vote. MAPS projects have passed by comfortable margins, and will continue to do so, unless we see something like a soccer stadium.

I highly doubt your typical MAPS voter is much of a soccer fan. There aren't really that many soccer fans in OKC. USL is only attracting 4,600 per game. Baseball seasons are 140 games or so with soccer being only 34 (1/2 of each away). USL is nowhere close to being the draw the Dodgers are. It would make more sense to renovate the Dodgers' stadium than to build a new one for a USL team whose league appears to be ratcheting up demands on franchises.

We shouldn't be in the business of responding to arbitrary deadlines from third-rate sports franchises.
Note: Last MAPS vote was over 10 years ago. Much more local discussion now than then. Plus social media and info is 1000% different now vs then. Back then all we really had was the Jokelahoma rag.

Do you have facts to back up claims that MAPS no voters never showed up 10 years ago? Saying it passed is not an answer either. If you don’t know how many were against it prior to vote you can’t then claim lots of them never voted either. To get factual stats requires both of these data points.

Our city has grown and changed so much in 10 years we really don’t know will happen. We can guess.