Quote Originally Posted by Lafferty Daniel View Post
Because match play allows lesser players and teams to compete with better players and teams. It helps even the playing field. If a team has five good players goes against a team that only has three, match play helps the team with three since you only need three good rounds to win.

Also better players tend to be more consistent and don’t make big mistakes as often resulting in double or triple bogeys. Say the better player makes par and the worse makes a double. In stroke play he’d be up 2 whereas in match he’s only up 1.

This is why four rounds of stroke play is how you should decide who is best. It helps even out if one team gets hot on one day. There’s a reason OSU won stroke play by 31.
On the other hand, if a team has two exceptional players and three mediocre ones it can win stroke play. But they have fewer good players and aren’t necessarily the best team. If you don’t have the majority of better players who can play under the pressure of playing one on one, you aren’t the best TEAM.