Quote Originally Posted by RedDollar View Post
Lotsa opinion ............but nobody knows where transportation is headed. If you do, then you need to invest all the money you got and get rich, one way or the other

But you people , don't invest your own money, y'all are really good at spending other people's money where there's no personal risk to you. So what if your wrong, its just the taxpayers that get screwed.

Transportation, including public transportation, is in a state of flux, denying that is hiding from reality.
The truly revolutionary developments that are occurring in our world right now are developments that are allowing us to transcend space and time to a degree that we've never been able to do before. Improvements to the mechanical world while nice, are just not revolutionary at this point in time. By the time cab/ride-share companies come up with a legitimately functional system for driver-less cars and can begin to address the cost to be competitive in increasingly dense cities, technology will have improved for public transit as well that moves people even more efficiently.

By no means am I saying that one should be bearish on the push by cab/ride-share companies to introduce autonomous cars to the roadways and make profit off those...but to think they're going to be able to efficiently move multiple millions of people within the confines of small boarders, it's just never going to happen. The reason people over estimate the threat of autonomous cars to public transit is because underestimate how important ROW is in determining winners and losers.