Quote Originally Posted by OkiePoke View Post
Now, what is OTA and ODOT going to do to combat the traffic backup at the Kirkpatrick? For years, the I-44 bottleneck slowed the traffic at 235 and Kirkpatrick. Without this slowdown, more traffic will arrive at this interchange causing more congestion.

With 122nd merging N and a majority of the traffic getting on the turnpike and no one knowing how to merge, traffic currently backs up for a mile or two. What can be anticipated after I-44/235 is complete?

Could a possible solution be to modify the 122nd to North 235 by having the merge area North of the Kirkpatrick entry?
How much is from 122nd vs the traffic that piles up on the actual ramp due to the merge from I-235 northbound? The merging needs to take place on Kirkpatrick and not on the ramp.