Quote Originally Posted by Pryor Tiger View Post
So this should work extremely well with a minor adjustment - get off at the Business District stop and walk about 2-3 blocks to the civic center will ensure your trip there is pretty fast. The app will show times to get on the platform after dinner so you can wait til nearly the last minute.

After the show, you could also pull the app and wait times up, get to the when it says about 3-4 minutes away and it won't be far off. Use the library platform and it would take about 5 minutes to walk there max. From there you are looking at about 8 stops only to get back into midtown!

I personally have found that the longer the wait time listed the further off it can be - if it is under 10 minutes on the board it tends to be very close to that.
Absolutely, we'd get off at the Business District stop, it'd be silly to ride it all the way around just so we didn't have to walk the extra 2 blocks. We walk as much as possible, and if the weather's nice, might just walk from Fassler Hall to the Civic Center. After the show, not worried about timing, we just want to minimize the slack time between finishing up at Fassler and the Civic Center without undue hassle. Guess I need to download the app and see if it will work on an ancient Android 4 phone...