On the dress front....I agree with the desire for people to remember how to dress at CCMH events. I wish they wouldn't let people in without at least khakis on. They way you dress has an impact on the way you act. If you dress in a hole-ridden stained shirt, you probably are less likely to act in a dignified manner at say the Phil. It just goes with that statement on "you are what you wear".
Now that being said, in response to people going to other countries and seeing similar CCMH events, let me remind you of the Royal Albert Hall in England. This is one of the premier venues in the world. They make it a point for their symphony concerts to attract the masses in whatever dress they choose. At those events (often televised here on one of Cox's HD channels), you will see someone in a sweatshirt next to someone in a blazer...but they're all getting along and enjoying classical music...and not just pops. So both sides can co-exist, but you have to stop putting a label on someone and assuming that they don't "get" what's going on because they are in a ugly shirt.
Sort of negate my own posting huh? Oh well.